UKGRS Wins UberASSIST Contract
UK Global Road Safety (UKGRS) are proud to announce that we have been selected to develop and deliver training for Uber’s UberASSIST...

Ban on sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2040 UK.
All sales of new petrol and diesel cars will cease in the UK by 2040, under plans to tackle air pollution. But with electric cars...

"Tread Lightly" from UKGRS - Eco driver training for only £35 per driver
UKGRS are pleased to announce that our 'Tread Lightly' Eco Driver Training programme now incorporates the Energy Saving Trust...

Tyre Safety Month (October) - Britain’s motorists could be spending £600 million on unnecessary fuel
A study conducted by TyreSafe* and highlighted in its Tyre Safety Month campaign materials launched today have revealed Britain’s...