UK Global Road Safety - Sponsor "Driver of the Year Award" CT-19

CT ’19 is a two day event in Manchester on the 12th & 13th November that aims to bring together CTA members and friends from all parts of the UK to network, learn, share ideas and celebrate the amazing work of our sector.
The event will have a packed agenda across the two days including a conference, CTA's AGM, a series of workshops and exhibition stands as well as a drinks reception, dinner and the Community Transport Awards.
The event will include:
Great opportunities to network, learn and celebrate with colleagues from across the community transport sector.
A half day conference with panel discussions and member contributions.
CTA’s Annual General Meeting.
Drinks, dinner and the Community Transport Awards.
Interesting and practical workshops run by a mix of CTA staff and guest conveners.
Launch of new reports and initiatives.
An exhibition bringing together top suppliers to the community transport sector.
You can find out more and book your place at
The Community Transport Awards
The Community Transport Awards will be taking place as part of CT ’19, an exciting two day event in November for CTA members and friends to come together, share ideas and celebrate the amazing work of the community transport sector.
The Awards will take place at the end of the first day and will be a great evening with a drinks reception, three course dinner and entertainment. With awards ranging from Community Transport Provider of the Year to the Lifetime Achievement Award, it will be a chance to come together and recognise the people and organisations who make the sector great. Nominations close on 08 August and more information can be found on
UK Global Road Safety are sponsors of CT ’19 and will be sponsoring the MiDAS Driver of the Year Award.
MiDAS Driver of the Year recognises a MiDAS trained driver who has high quality relationships with their passengers and a track record of excellence. The driver is someone who has benefited by undertaking MiDAS training, who is a safe and competent driver and who has a positive impact on the lives and well being of passengers beyond driving the vehicle. Entries are invited from organisations or passengers wishing to nominate a driver.
UK Global Road Safety will also have an exhibition stand during day two of the event where management and team will be present to share their knowledge and expertise with participants.